Thursday, June 02, 2005

so close yet so far

Before long, I think all these will be over and my blog will stop.

But before that happens, I'm thinking of all the things that I have to do. Doesn't really help that I have to go Thailand for a week. Usually that should be a good thing but not when we haven't sent out invites and we'll be back only on 11th... AND the RSVP date we printed were 12th. Hmmm.

Am thinking of outsourcing to friends to make phonecalls for addresses and RSVP (at the same time) for this one week. Any takers? =p

Wednesday, June 01, 2005

missing makeup artist

Ok, it's not as bad as it sounds. Just that I had to reformat my phone 2 days ago (sigh, that's another story) and lost all my contacts. And I didn't save her number into my handheld (which by the way, is currently being repaired. What is with me and gadgets?!) so now I can only hope and pray that she doesn't lost HER contacts.

Anyone has the contact of Marilyn Kong?