Monday, April 18, 2005

yet another weekend

I'm happy to announce *drumrolls please*... that... we've gotten the church venue!

Yippee. So that's one thing off our minds. Except now we've got to think of who will be our officiating pastor. And the music...

Oh, and we chose our wedding invites over the weekend too.

It's all coming together.

Thursday, April 14, 2005

will this be what it'll looks like?

My great colleague and friend (haha, in case he's reading this) sent me 3 advertisement. Hilarious.

The last one is my fave:

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For those who are curious, the tagline is "Need to lose a little weight before your wedding?"

Wednesday, April 13, 2005

the red umbrella

We finally watched my brother's wedding video yesterday night. While I was thinking how silly I look in the video, it sparked off something in my mum.

Mum: We must go and get a red umbrella soon to shelter you when you leave the house.

I turned to her and errr-ed and ahhh-ed amidst mumbles, but unsuccessfully conveyed that I didn't think it was necessary, and don't believe all the mambo-jambo that it involves. Don't know the conclusion of that conversation though. Let's hope she forgets about it.

Makes mental note. Next time watch the video alone, or drag D down with me.

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This umbrella instead?

Tuesday, April 12, 2005

no go for e-vites

I thought I stumbled upon a brilliant idea.

Why not send "Save the date" e-cards to our friends? That's what they do in US so why not do it here?

I happily search for e-cards. Found a site. Registered and found one nice card. Sent it to myself and previewed it. I didn't really like it cuz of the little things like formatting, fonts etc. It's the finnicky 'artistic' side of me... so I didn't send that out in the end which worked out well.

I spoke to D and told him about the brilliant plan, barely containing my enthusiasm.

Me: Why don't we send out "Save the date" cards for our friends? That way they can then set aside the time in their schedule since we can't send the invites out yet.
D: No. It's rude to do so.
Me: Why?
D: For some people, especially the older folks, they will take offence and won't even come.
Me: But it's for our friends.
D: I'm a traditionalist.

So... no e-vites for you guys. I'm just wondering if D would have been freaked out if the conversation started like this:

Me: I just did the most brilliant thing (smiling smugly).
D: What is it?
Me: I sent out "Save the date" e-vites to our friends (waiting for affirmation of brilliance and a pat on the back, expecting outpouring of praises and compliments).
D: You did what?!!! (in shock and tearing his hair out)

Haha. It's time like these that I'm glad I'm finnicky.

Monday, April 11, 2005



Didn't go running the day before. Or yesterday. Or today.

Nope. Gosong. Zilch. Mei you. Nothing.


Me:0 Blubber: 1

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

one thing down

Have confirmed my makeup artist. Yippee. One thing down and many more to go. Oh, and I must pat myself on my back. I handed in the application to use the church yesterday. Now we just have to sit back, cross our fingers and pray it's not taken, that's all.

I think our coordinator had a mini heart attack when she realised we haven't booked the church yet. She literally took me by the hand, led me down to the office, gave me a form and watched me fill it up before her very eyes. Haha. Despite my weak protests that I've already filled it up but it's just that the form was in the car.

She told me that when her friends heard she's going to start her coordinating plans for our wedding, they actually thought it was a bit of a rush. She then replied, "Don't worry, the bride and the groom are very zai one."

Hmmm. I like that. Zai...

Friday, April 08, 2005


It's been quite a while since the last update. Which also meant nothing much was done. Opps.

Just realised that I have less than 3 months left. Strangely calm. Maybe it's before the storm (in my case, it'll be mass panic). Almost every night I've been putting myself to bed with thoughts of waking up early and doing major exercise. Almost every morning I've been waking up, scrambling to be in time for work. So there goes my exercise plan. I need to really get off my butt and do something. It's just the monster of procrastination within me. (Just realised I wrote something similar a month ago. Guess it hasn't worked so far).

Tomorrow will be my trial makeup with another makeup artist. Trial's gonna cost me, if I don't take her package. Sigh. Maybe I should just do it myself. All I'm asking of the makeup artist is to make me recognisable. I just hope I don't turn into someone that I can't even recognise.

Hoping to put in the application to book the church this weekend. Am praying and hoping it's still available. If not...

Anyway, will go for a run before the trial makeup tomorrow. Hope it'll finally be happening.

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