Monday, February 28, 2005

case of the missing guest lists

A few months ago, when D and I were feeling very organised, we decided to do up the 1st draft of our guest list (I know I know, you can pick your jaws off the floor now). In our enthusiasm, we actually went to buy stationery and went to a cafe for "Operation Guests".

We drew up 2 mindmaps (you know mindmaps and me) but recently when I tried to find it, I just couldn't recall where they were. Guess what. I found them last night. =)

I had to to share my joy so naturally I messaged D.

Me: Guess what. I found the name list in a precious place. =) My bible.
D: God's word once again shows the light.

Praise God. I found my lists. I don't feel flustered and upset anymore. I feel so organised. I feel the world's for my taking. I'm a tiger, hear me roar. Now only if I can find my wedding planner guide.

Friday, February 25, 2005

call of the beetle

I received an email from a photography studio this morning. Yippee, they're having some promotional packageover 2 weekends. Think it's cuz of the launch of Style Wedding. Anyway, that's good news for me. Will make an appointment to go down to their open house next weekend.

For those who are interested, they will be at:

(1) Takashimaya B2 (25-27 Feb) from 10 - 8pm
(2) 49 Amoy Street (5-6 Mar) by appointment

My email...

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

my progress thus far

1. Hotel booked.

2. Makeup artist not booked.

3. Church not booked.

4. Weight not lost.

5. Photographer not confirmed.

And on and on and on. Sigh.

When I booked the package from TC, they told me to lose weight. That was before Chinese New Year. I won't ask for much. I'm only hoping I didn't put on some weight instead. I've made an appointment to go down for measurements so we'll see again how much weight they will ask me to lose.

Right now, my headache is photography. Not doing pre-wedding shoots so am looking for someone who can take actual day photography just the way I like it. It's tough trying to balance cost and the artistic angles of the photos. Or maybe I'm just picky.

As you can tell, I haven't succeed. But I will not give up (not that I have that much of a choice). I'm meeting another two photographers next week and then I'll decide. I'm actually quite tired of trying to find someone I really like.

Videography on the other hand was much easier. And more expensive. I might just go with the one and only studio I went to see. I dread the process of looking and I like their work. Killing two birds with money.

Tuesday, February 22, 2005

why is july sweet?

Sweet July... Posted by Hello

Just realised a lot of things (actually not that many) have happened in the month of July.

For one, my birthday is in that month. Yippee.

Second, D and me actually got together in that month. Not that we celebrate it. I think partially because we can't remember which date was it.

Third, we're holding our wedding ceremony in that month too!

Its significance kinda makes up for the lack of holidays around that period.

Monday, February 21, 2005

my wedding blog

On the spur of the moment, have decided to start a wedding blog to document my count-down to THE DAY. Not sure how well it'll go but I hope it'll be fun to look back and laugh at my ramblings once everything is over.

We'll see how it goes.

Having a break from trying to find photographers Posted by Hello